Brookhurst JHS

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AUHSD Families, we will be holding our Summer Registration activities in-person, with many online options, at each school site. To plan for Summer Registration, please complete online data confirmation once the information is emailed in late April, make sure your student's immunizations are up-to-date, and apply for the free and reduced lunch program (if applicable) after July 1st. Your student's school site will be sharing more information regarding the summer activities. Here is a schedule of events for your planning purposes: Registration Dates for 2021-22.
Here is the information to complete each of these activities online:
Support for Online Enrollment:  Aeries Parent Portal Resources
Free and Reduced Lunch Application link (videos are posted on the  Aeries Parent Portal Resources if assistance is needed) Parents/Guardians must submit a new application each school year. Applications are available after July 1st.

AUHSD Health Services Contact List

Physicians Orders

Physician Order/Medication Administration Form

Physician Procedure Order Form:
Parent/Guardian and Authorized Health Care Provider Request for Treatment

Student Achievement and Wellness


Please review the immunizations requirements for school entry by visiting the following links

Immunization Required Begin July 1st 2020 (English): IMM-231 | IMM-222

Immunization Required Begin July 1st 2020 (Spanish): IMM-231 | IMM-222

Immunization Required Begin July 1st 2020 (Korean): IMM-222

Immunization Required Begin July 1st 2020 (Vietnamese): IMM-222


OC Community Health Center: In case you don’t have a provider to go to for immunizations

OC Community Health Center: COVID-19 Services Update

OC Community Health Center: Overcoming Obstacles for Quality Healthcare for All


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