Brookhurst JHS

Contact Us

  • Van Chu
    District and Community Use Manager
    (714) 999-3506



Fee Schedule




Community Use of Facilities General Guidelines

The Anaheim Union High School District was founded in 1898 and is one of the largest school districts in the state of California. Students and community groups located in the cities of Anaheim, Cypress, Buena Park, La Palma, and Stanton are served by the District’s 20 campuses that span 46 square miles. The A.U.H.S.D. Facilities Department oversees all aspects of the use of District athletic facilities, auditoriums, and meeting spaces.


  • Facilitron Website -

  • Must be submitted with a non-refundable $20.00 application fee

  • Personal or private use of facilities are not permitted

  • Please allow a minimum of two to three weeks for processing, longer for requests received during District breaks & holiday periods

  • Any request received within two weeks of the intended use may be declined

Anaheim High School

Insurance Requirements

AUHSD Insurance Requirements (PDF)

Group Classification Definitions & Fee Category

Group A – School/District-Related Groups

  • Anaheim Union High School District groups or non-profit groups organized to solely serve & benefit District students.

  • Fees: Staffing costs for events scheduled outside normal school hours

Group B – Local Community Groups

  • Non-profit organizations registered in the State of California with a 501(c)(3) status and 55% participation of residents within the Anaheim Union High School District boundaries.

  • Fees: Column “B” for practices
    Column “D” for tournaments

Group C – Local Non-Profit Groups

  • Non-profit groups not expending net proceeds for the benefit of Anaheim Union High School District students.

  • Fees: Column “C” for practices
    Column “D” for tournaments

Group D – Fair Value

  • Any for-profit youth or adult organization, commercial-use groups and/or other organizations outside the Anaheim Union High School District boundaries.

  • Fees: Column “D”

Athletics Field

General Use Regulations

  • Public use shall not be inconsistent with nor interfere with school district use.

  • There is a 3-hour minimum for each use of District facilities.

  • To provide adequate time to provide maintenance and to coincide with district employee holiday periods all district buildings and grounds will be unavailable to outside use each year during the following periods: (winter break, spring break, and, the last day of school to July 31).

  • Use of buildings or grounds on Sundays and holidays is normally not authorized and will be approved based on the availability of personnel at overtime rates to oversee the use of the facility.

  • Use is denied to any individual, society, group, or organization for the commission of any crime or any act prohibited by law including those acts intended to further any program or movement to overthrow by any means the government of the United States.

  • Where minors are involved, users shall have sufficient adult sponsorship and adult supervision while using district facilities. Adult sponsors shall be present at all times during the event.

  • Vehicles present shall not exceed the number authorized. Vehicles shall be parked only in off-street public parking areas in appropriately marked spaces. Vehicles shall not be parked on neighborhood streets. Vehicles inappropriately parked on district property shall be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

  • Users shall use the facilities only for the purposes as specified in this policy, district regulations, or the use permit and shall limit use to the specific spaces specified in the use permit. Custodians, teachers and coaches, as well as other staff members shall not permit any individual or group to use any equipment, room or other facility on the premises which was not designated on the use permit as approved. Non-approved use shall result in additional charges and may result in denial of future use privileges.

  • Upon approval, the application will be signed and become the formal permit to use the requested District venue and MUST be carried by the requestor at all times during the event.

  • Failure to provide the approved permit may result in the cancellation or forfeiture of the use.

  • The Anaheim Union High School District is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal and/or leased property left on District property.

Restrictions and Prohibited Uses

  • Use of facilities for personal financial gain is not permitted.

  • Personal use of certain District venues is not permitted.

  • There shall be no public use prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. (as per local ordinance).

  • The possession or use of narcotics, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or any other restricted substance on district property is prohibited.

  • There shall be no profane language, fighting or gambling on school premises. There shall be no loud music or other amplified sounds, noise, lights or other activities that violate local ordinances or otherwise disrupt adjacent neighborhoods and businesses.

  • No animals other than service animals are allowed on any District site.

  • Private gatherings such as weddings, reunions, & funeral services are prohibited.

  • No product, including, but not limited to food or drink shall be advertised or offered for sale on school premises without district approval.

  • Equipment shall not be used without prior approval on the facility use permit. Furniture and/or equipment shall be returned to the same position and/or location as it existed prior to the permitted use. Users are not permitted to leave equipment or materials at the school facility. No storage containers or equipment of any kind may be placed or erected on A.U.H.S.D. property.

  • People present shall not exceed the capacity authorized by fire regulations. Appropriate space shall be assigned to users based on expected or past average attendance.

  • No obstruction of any area that will interfere with operation of fire abatement fixtures, sprinklers or fire lanes.

  • No modification of district facilities shall be permitted. District facilities must be left in the same condition as they existed prior to the permitted use. Any signs or banners must be placed and completely removed in a manner not destructive to school property. The use of open flames such as candles, or non-fireproof decorations, nails, tacks, staples or any tape other than blue or red painter’s tape is not permitted.


Lexington JHS Gym

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