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Trustee Area Boundary Adjustment Based on 2020 Federal Census


Following comprehensive study and community input, the District transitioned to a by-trustee area election method in 2014. A detailed timeline of that process is set forth in the next section below. Education Code section 5019.5 requires the District to adjust trustee area boundaries so they are proportional to the number of trustees and overall population of the District based on the decennial federal census. The adjustment must be based on 2020 population figures validated by the Demographic Research Unit of the Department of Finance (DOF) and completed by March 1, 2022.


At its September 14, 2021 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved an agreement with Cooperative Strategies, LLC to assist with the decennial boundary adjustment process. Cooperative Strategies is the successor entity to the Dolinka Group, which assisted the District with the transition to by-trustee area elections in 2014.


At its October 14, 2021 meeting, the Board of Trustees received a presentation regarding the trustee area boundary adjustment process and assessment of new census data to date. All Board meetings and presentations may be viewed on the District YouTube channel.


At its November 18, 2021 meeting, the Board of Trustees held a study session to receive scenarios for trustee area boundary adjustment. 


On December 16, 2021, Cooperative Strategies hosted a virtual Trustee Area Redistricting Community Input Meeting.


At its January 13, 2022, the Board of Trustees held a public hearing to receive community input.


A special meeting on February 10, 2022, the Board of Trustees adopted final trustee areas, to be submitted to the County Registrar of Voters.





Anaheim Union High School District
Timeline of By-Trustee Area Election Process


The Board of Trustees’ decision to request a modification of the election process from an at-large election method to a by-trustee election method was the culmination of deliberative process that took over a year.

In making this determination, the Board of Trustees engaged in a collaborative and transparent process that provided multiple opportunities to study the issue and receive community input regarding this historic change to the election method: 

December 6, 2012, Board reviewed information regarding the Board’s election system and the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA).    

March 28, 2013, Board reviewed information about engaging a demographer to review historic voting patterns within the District and directed staff to engage a demographer for such purpose.  

June 18, 2013, Board reviewed and discussed results from demographic study that evidenced some instances of racially polarized voting during the last 10 elections. 

On July 11, 2013, Board further reviewed results of demographic study and consulted in open session with legal counsel, Mr. Spencer Covert, regarding implications of demographic analysis.

August 22, 2013, Board reviewed existing policy regarding the election process and reviewed proposed timeline for transitioning to a by-trustee area election method.  Board directed staff to further engage demographer to develop proposed by-trustee area maps.

September 19, 2013, Board conducted first reading of amended Board Policy 10110 changing to a by-trustee area election method.

October 10, 2013, Board approved Board Policy 10110 reflecting a transition to by-trustee area voting and reviewed with consultant considerations and process for drawing trustee area boundaries. 

November 1, 2013, Board held study session with demographer to review several proposed trustee area maps.      

November 7, 2013, Board reviewed several proposed by-trustee area maps and selected three proposed maps to present to the community for input and comment. 

November 18-20, 2013, three community input forums held within District for the community to review the proposed maps and ask any questions of the demographer. 

December 12, 2013, Board held a public hearing to receive input from the community on the proposed maps, received information from the demographer summarizing the input received from the community forums, and received two additional proposed maps that were provided by community members. 

January 9, 2014, Board passed Resolution No. 2013/14-BOT-02 adopting a proposed by-trustee area map to present to the County Committee on School District Organization, held a public hearing on the general waiver request from the State Board of Trustees, and adopted a resolution seeking to waive the requirement to change to a by-trustee area method through an election process.  


June 18, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Analysis (PDF)

June 18, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Analysis (PDF)

July 11, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Presentation (PDF)

August 22, 2013 AUHSD Trusee Area Presentation (PDF)

October 10, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Packet (PDF)

October 10, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Presentation (PDF)

November 1, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Presentation (PDF)

November 1, 2013 Example 5 Data (PDF)

November 1, 2013 Example 5 Map (PDF)

November 7, 2013 AHUSD Trustee Area Scenarios (PDF)

November 7, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Scenario1 Map (PDF)

November 7, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Scenario2 Map (PDF)

November 7, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Area Scenario3 Map (PDF)

November 7, 2013 Microsoft PowerPoint AUHSD Trustee Presentation (PDF)

December 12, 2013 AUHSD Trustee Presentation (PDF)

December 12, 2013 Board Packet (PDF)

January 9, 2014 The Dolinka Group Presentation 1 (PDF)

Board Selects By-Trustee Area Map (PDF)



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